
How Facial Recognition System Works?

A face recognition system may be a technology capable of identifying or verifying an individual from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. There are multiple methods during which face recognition systems work, but generally , they work by comparing selected countenance from given image with faces within a database. It is also described as a Biometric AI based application which will uniquely identify an individual by analysing patterns supported the person's facial textures and shape.

While initially a sort of computer application, it's seen wider uses in recent times on mobile platforms and in other sorts of technology, like robotics. It is typically used as access control in security systems and may be compared to other biometrics like fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. Although the accuracy of face recognition system as a biometric technology is less than iris recognition and fingerprint recognition, it's widely adopted thanks to its contactless and non-invasive process. Recently, it's also become popular as a billboard identification and marketing tool. Other applications include advanced human-computer interaction, video surveillance, automatic indexing of images, and video database, among others.

How facial recognition works?

You might be good at recognizing faces. You probably find it a cinch to spot the face of a loved one , friend, or acquaintance. You’re conversant in their countenance — their eyes, nose, mouth — and the way they are available together.

That’s how a face recognition system works, but on a grand, algorithmic scale. Where you see a face, recognition technology sees data. That data can be stored and accessed. For instance, half all American adults have their images stored in one or more facial-recognition databases that enforcement agencies can search, consistent with a Georgetown University study.

So how does facial recognition work? Technologies vary, but here are the basic steps:

Step 1. A picture of your face is captured from a photograph or video. Your face might appear alone or during a crowd. Your image may show you looking straight ahead or nearly in profile.

Step 2. Facial recognition software reads the geometry of your face. Key factors include the distance between your eyes and also the distance from forehead to chin. The software identifies facial landmarks — one system identifies 68 of them — that are key to distinguishing your face. The result: your facial signature.

Step 3. Your facial signature — a mathematical formula — is compared to a database of known faces. And consider this: a minimum of 117 million Americans have images of their faces in one or more police databases. According to a May 2018 report, the FBI has had access to 412 million facial images for searches.

Step 4. A determination is made. Your faceprint may match that of an image during a face recognition system database.

Reasons to be concerned about your privacy

Privacy matters. Privacy refers to any rights you've got to regulate your personal information and the way it’s used — which can include your faceprint.

So, what are the issues? Here are some:

Security. Your facial data are often collected and stored, often without your permission. It’s possible hackers could access and steal that data.

Prevalence. Facial recognition technology is becoming more widespread. That means your facial signature could end up in a lot of places. You probably won’t know who has access to that.

Ownership. You own your face — the one atop your neck — but your digital images are different. You may have given up your right to ownership once you signed up on a social media network. Or maybe someone tracks down images of you online and sells that data.

Safety. facial recognition may lead to online harassment and stalking. How? For example, someone takes your picture on a subway or another public place and uses facial recognition software to search out exactly who you're .

Mistaken identity. Say, for example, law uses face recognition to identify and to spot someone who robbed a corner store. Facial recognition systems might not be 100% accurate. What if the police think the suspect is you?

Basic freedoms. Government agencies and others could have the power to trace you. What you are doing and where you go might not be private. It could become impossible to remain anonymous.


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