
STD X-Science 2 Environmental management/ Relationship between Environment and Ecosystem, Environmental conservation

Title : Environmental Management

Maharashtra state board solutions for class 10 SSC board science part STD X-Science 2 Environmental management

 Know everything about; Ecosystem and environmental management .Maharashtra state board class 10 SSC .Get detailed Questions and answers for chapter 2 Science , environmental management, Relationship between environment and ecosystem, environmental conservation part 2

Relationship between Environment and Ecosystem, Environmental conservation

Q.1) What is environment?

 Answer: Physical, chemical and biological factors affecting the living organisms in any possible way is collectively called as environment. In short, environment is the condition in surrounding.

 Q.2) What is included in environment?

 Answer: It includes many biotic, abiotic, natural and artificial factors. There are two main types of environment. One is natural environment and other is artificial environment.

 Q.3) What is ecology?

Answer: Natural environment consists of air, atmosphere, water, land, living organisms, etc. Continuous interactions occur between biotic and 5 abiotic factors. Their interactions are very important. Artificial environment is also affecting the natural environment directly or indirectly. Basically, environment consists of two basic factors

1. Biotic factors

2. Abiotic factors.

The science that deals with the study of interactions between biotic and abiotic factors of the environment is called as ecology.

 **Q.4) Which cycles are operated in environment? What is their importance?

 Answer: Natural cycles like water cycle, carbon cycle, gaseous cycles like nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle, etc. are operated in the environment. Environmental balance is maintained through continuous operation of various.

 Q.5) Why is it important to preserve nature?

 Answer: Human existence is totally impossible without the existence of nature. Hence, it is basic responsibility of human being to preserve the nature without disturbing its balance. It is said that we have got this Earth planet on lease from our future generations and not as an ancestral property from our ancestors. Hence, we should not forget to conserve it for ourselves and for future generations.

 Environmental Conservation

 Q.1) Which factors affect the environment? How?

 Answer: Earthquake, floods, forest fires, droughts, famines, etc. and deforestation, industrialization, use of excessive pesticides and fertilizers, unorganized garbage disposal, etc. are the natural and artificial factors respectively that effect the environment causing pollution, create imbalance and ultimately affect the existence of biotic factors.

 Q.2) What will happen if number of consumers in environment goes on increasing gradually? Answer: The balance in the ecosystem will get disturbed as due to increase in the number of consumers there will be major affect on the population of the population of producers and other consumers.

Q.3) What will be the effect of industry established on river bank on the river ecosystem?

 Answer: industries present on the river bank releases industrial effluents containing heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, etc. into the river which pollutes the river and affects aquatic life present in river. Recycled hot water used in the company is also been released that increases the temperature of the river water killing plants and animals in the river. This disturbs the balance of the ecosystem

. Q.4) What do you mean by Environmental pollution?

Answer: many environmental problems have been arisen due to effect of various natural and artificial factors on the Earth. Environmental pollution is one of those main factors. Generally, contamination of any material is its pollution. Unnecessary and unacceptable change in the surrounding environment due to natural events or human activities is called as environmental pollution. i.e. Direct or indirect changes in physical, chemical and biological properties of air, water and soil which will be harmful to human and other living beings is environmental pollution. Various reasons like population explosion, fast industrialization, and indiscriminate use of natural resources, deforestation, and unplanned urbanization are responsible for environmental pollution.

Q.5) Which are the types of pollution?

Answer: Types of pollutions like that of air, water, sound, soil, thermal, light, radioactive pollution occurs around us.

 **Q.6) What do we mean by natural and artificial pollution?

Answer: Unacceptable and unrequired changes that occur in the surrounding environment due to natural events is called natural pollution. e.g. Forest fires, Tsunamis, landslides, etc. Unacceptable and unrequired changes that occur in the surrounding environment due to manmade or human activities is known as artificial pollution. Deforestation, industrialization, urbanization, etc. Manmade pollutions caused in city

 Q.7) Give a detailed note on radioactive pollution.

 Answer: Radioactive pollution can occur due to two reasons as natural and artificial. UV and IR radiations are natural radiations whereas X-rays and radiations from atomic energy plants are artificial radiations. Chernobyl, Windscale, and Three Miles Island mishaps are the major mishaps of the world till present. Thousands of people have been affected for long term due to these accidents. Some of the effects of radiations are as follows

1. Cancerous ulceration occurs due to higher radiations of X-rays.

 2. Tissues in the body are destroyed.

3. Genetic changes occur.

4. Vision is adversely affected.

 Q.8) Why is it said that pollution control is important?

 Answer: Pollution prevention protects the environment by conserving and protecting natural resources while strengthening economic growth through more efficient production in industry and less need for households, businesses and communities to handle waste.

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