
How to score good ?A few tips for students!

Are you struggling with how to get good grades?Don’t worry — you’re not alone.“I study hard but I still get bad grades.”is what students complain.

Those successful students that you know? They aren’t necessarily any more intelligent than the rest of the class.They just have developed study strategies that help them perform better in school and score more.You can get good grades, too. Academic betterment can be achieved by studying more effectively, not just by studying “harder”

A solid academic record provides more opportunities for scholarships, higher education, and employment. Academic excellence may be the bridge to your dream career. Though ,the life-changing skills you’ll gain as you work toward a student achiever — traits like focus, determination, discipline, and confidence. These values are crucial to achieving any of your goals, inside or outside the classroom.A good grade is more than just a letter on a page. Achieving academic success after learning how to focus is a rewarding experience that offers long-lasting benefits.

1.Note down all important deadlines and dates

Upcoming exams. Project assignments. Events and extra-curricular activities. You’re a busy student with a lot of dates to remember.It’s normal to think that you can keep track of all your deadlines in your head. The only problem is, relying on memory doesn’t work for anyone.Instead, it leads to forgotten assignments, last-minute panic, and low-quality work.The less you stress about deadlines, the more energy you’ll have for completing your assignments. You’ll become a more effective student and you’ll free up valuable mental capacity for the things that matter.

2.Find a seat at the front

Can you choose where you sit in class? Then grab a seat at the front of the room.

Studies show that students who sit in the first few rows tend to get significantly higher exam scores than their peers.Why does sitting at the front of the class make such a big difference in test scores?

One reason is focus. If you’re at the back of the room, it’s easy to become distracted by your classmates. If you sit at the front, your attention will be on the teacher.

3.Take more effective notes

Now that you’re sitting at the front of the class, you’re ready to take notes as you actively listen to your teacher.You’ve got your notebook open and your pen in hand. What more do you need to know?Well, there’s a structure to follow

Handwrite your notes

Organise your notes

4.Understand the topic don’t just memorise it .

Many students think that studying is all about memorisation.So they make heaps of notecards for dates, facts and names, then hope they can retain enough information for the exam day.The problem with memorising information is that it only works for the short term.

Note-taking is an excellent first step towards processing information. From your notes, summarise the material. Find connections with other topics, and draw your own conclusions.

5. Create a study routine and schedule

The students who do the best know they can’t wait for inspiration to study. Instead, they consistently show up and do the work, even when they don’t feel like it. You’ll become a more efficient student when you make your study routine a habit. Soon, you won’t have the mental debate over whether or not you should study. You’ll just do it.And that’s when the magic happens — better grades and more time for the other activities you enjoy.

6.Manage your time wisely

When you see the exam paper, note the total number of questions. Calculate how much time you can allocate to each question to finish within the testing period.If you come to a question you’re unsure about, move on when you reach your self-imposed time limit. Then, you won’t miss answering the questions you do know how to do.

7.Avoid common mistakes

Always read questions twice to prevent misreading. If you’re shading your multiple-choice answers, check that you’re shading the answer that corresponds with the correct question.When you’re nervous, it’s easy to make silly mistakes. Come equipped with the right tools and test-taking practices to stop anxiety in its tracks.

8.Stay focused for the entire exam

Staying focused is easier said than done. If you’re finding it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand, take a break!

Put your pencil down. Take a sip of water. Breathe deeply. It’s better to pause for a moment to regain clarity than speed through the rest of your exam.

9. Reward yourself for making progress

You’ve worked hard to get good grades. When you’ve made progress in terms of your habits and attitude, it’s time to celebrate!

Rewarding yourself now will help you continue to get good grades in the future.

The key is to connect the increased effort to a positive feeling or outcome. You’ll stay motivated to continue working hard

9 Comment
  • 1 year, 6 months

    Nice tips I will follow in my school life

  • 2 years, 3 months

    yes i got good grade this time

  • 2 years, 6 months

    I can try to do it 👌😊☺️

  • 2 years, 6 months

    I can try to do it 👌😊☺️

  • 2 years, 6 months

    I also think that it Will help me

  • 2 years, 6 months

    Nice tips

  • 2 years, 6 months

    How to score good ?A few tips for students! and lt,s nice😯😯

  • 2 years, 6 months

    I think it will help me

  • 2 years, 6 months
