
Mental Health and Well-Being

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, and more unashamed conversation.”Glenn Close.

As the years pass by in the 21st century, the world stands witness to a new age of technology, art, and sheer positivity for every individual in the near future, be it in academic, workplace, or social circles. This is also accompanied by the abandonment of certain orthodox beliefs and rituals that seem moot with the passage of time and the upgrades that take place in every sphere. Amongst many of these issues stands the topic of Mental Health and Well-Being of the Humankind, as more and more people learn to accept it as a serious issue that is associated with the full and healthy functioning of every man, woman and child.

In more “traditional” countries like India itself, the subject of mental health often is addressed poorly despite the strides the subcontinent has made over the past few decades in terms of development. Mental health refers to the emotional, social and psychological well-being of a person, and has an imperative impact on how the person acts, feels, and approaches his or her day-to-day tasks. There are a number of factors that play in this situation which include mainly, biological factors, mental trauma due to past experiences, and family history of mental issues. Although quite more common than one would expect, mental health issues can be resolved over time if the individual seeks appropriate help, be it based on therapy or talking to a psychiatrist or at times, simply close ones.

Basic Signs of Unhealthy Mental Activity

COVID-19 was an unexpected case that shall be recorded as one of the most widespread pandemics in the history of our world, with a humongous number of cases as well as a towering death toll, but often people tend to be ignorant about how the pandemic affected the mental well-being of the people regardless being tested positive or negative. 2 years in lockdown caused a lot of professionals losing their jobs or facing cuts in salary, and many small and medium scale businesses shut down, often accompanied by the loss of dear ones due to the virus. Furthermore, this discussion is not case centric, since depression is an issue that is faced by people on a regular basis despite the standards of life and work. Following are a few signs to look out for.

  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little
  • Having low or no energy
  • Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual
  • Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared
  • Yelling or fighting with family and friends
  • Having persistent thoughts and memories you can't get out of your head
  • Thinking of harming yourself or others
  • Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school

Mental Health and Well-Being for Students

Humans belonging to all circles of age are prone to depression or unhealthy cycles of mental functionality. This also includes children of all ages, ranging from pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults. Studies have shown that when these issues are unresolved at such a ripe age, they tend to mould and structure the person they grow up to be, which often is detrimental and toxic for the individual and those around them.

Children need to be taught that mental health is as important as their physical and academic well-being, and parents and teachers must understand how the foundation of a strong individual must be formulated at the root so as to develop a healthy human being during the formative years. This solely includes being more empathetic towards the kids and trying to ask questions so as to understand what they’re feeling and thinking. Simple steps up this ladder can prove to be of paramount importance.

Mental Health and Well-Being at the Workplace

Like children in a school, the workplace is always in a flux with unique individuals who face different issues on a regular basis. At a workplace, mental issues are usually caused by a number of factors which are namely:

  • relationship problems with superiors
  • bureaucratic constraints
  • work family conflict
  • relationship problems with colleagues
  • performance pressure
  • poor job prospects

Talking to an HR representative or a counsellor assigned by the company is a crucial step in these conditions, which allows the individual to access their emotions and understand how to handle their issues via seeking help from a person that actually cares.

Simple Steps to be Mentally Healthy

We are just a few alterations away to living our pristine life and being our best self. This is something that we as humans tend to forget. This list of steps towards leading a more healthy and functional life is closely related to our mental health.

  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating healthy
  • Sleeping on time
  • Connecting with people
  • Being true and nice to your own self

Therefore, with all the points being said, one can understand the calamitous end products of leading an unhealthy lifestyle accompanied with poor mental health. Furthermore, with all that is being said and discussed, we can also learn the basic steps towards resolving our issues and seeking help when necessary. A healthy mind is our Key to Success. Let that sink in.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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