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@Richik Ray
Published on
April 26th 2022
History is full with fascinating and significant events, but some have had a greater impact on the globe than others. There have been certain watershed moments in history that have shifted the world's trajectory. These flashes changed the trajectory of society, whether it was a fraction of a second, a rising revolution, or a single person who stepped up to take a position. They were watershed moments that would forever affect our world and lives, for better or for worse. From discoveries and technology to battles and political movements, the most impactful periods in history are ahead. Some were brief blips in time with enormous consequences, while others spanned many years.
World War I (1914-1918)
The battle was expected to endure four years and claim the lives of millions of men and women from all around the globe. The First World War ushered in a period of significant social change. Following the First World War, there was a greater appreciation for women's contributions to society, with several countries granting women the right to vote. There was also a larger focus on the role of the working class, which had fought and died in the war and now wished for a more peaceful future. A global flu pandemic struck in 1918/19, killing about 50 million people (many of them young adults), but due to the carnage of the First World War, it had only a limited impact on reshaping the world, as many governments downplayed its significance.
Treaty of Versailles (1919)
American President Woodrow Wilson advocated for the development of a new "League of Nations" and an idealistic 14-point plan to help avert war. The United States Senate, on the other hand, decided against joining the League of Nations, while France and Britain demanded "reparations" from Germany and the defeated states. Until the mid-1920s, Germany was occupied by French forces, and the German army was badly weakened. Many German army officers found these restrictions 'humiliating,' and Hitler would use this sense of 'betrayal' in the coming years. General Ferdinand Foch of France stated. "This isn't a peaceful situation." For the next two decades, there will be an armistice."
Stock Market Crash (1929)
Following the long economic and stock market boom of the 1920s, Wall Street stock prices plummeted in October 1929. This resulted in a long-term drop in share, which triggered the global Great Depression. Unemployment in the United States has risen to 25%, but global output and commerce have decreased. Poverty and a sense of alienation have fuelled the rise of political extremes around the world. Both Japan and Germany turned to far-right nationalist groups, which resulted in military expansionism and World War II. The Great Downturn in America resulted in FDR's election and a significant increase in the size of the federal government, as citizens wanted the government to interfere in the depression.
Atomic Bomb Hiroshima (1945)
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastated by the atomic bombs dropped by the United States in 1945. The Japanese surrendered as a result of the destruction, bringing an end to a long and costly Pacific conflict. Japan's capitulation was once considered inconceivable. The atomic bomb, on the other hand, hastened Japan's surrender. The atomic bomb had far-reaching consequences that went beyond the conclusion of WWII. It demonstrated to the rest of the world the destruction that a third world war could bring. Even today, Hiroshima's legacy and the prospect of nuclear war loom large over the world.
Foundation of United Nations (1945)
The United Nations was founded on October 24, 1945. Its mission was to avert war and coordinate humanitarian operations to alleviate poverty, enforce international law, and safeguard the environment. Despite its inability to stop aggression on several occasions, the United Nations remains an essential international platform, with the United Nations Charter guaranteeing basic human rights and freedoms without distinction or discrimination. It also established the Hague as the site of the first international court of justice. Global humanitarian activities and UN entities such as the Global Smallpox Eradication Programme have benefited from UN involvement.
Covid-19 Pandemic 2020
Covid-19, a novel virus, was discovered in China in late 2019/early 2020. Although the virus had a low fatality rate of 1-4 percent, it propagated at an alarming rate. In March 2020, Italy became the first country in the Western world to impose a lockdown in an attempt to halt the virus's rapid spread. People were confined to their homes and businesses were shut down as a result of widespread global 'lockdowns.' Despite travel limitations, the virus has spread to every country on the planet. The world economy was severely harmed by the lockdown, which resulted in a high increase in unemployment and a drop in output. It also called into question a long-held belief in Western wealthy countries' invulnerability.
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